The health authorities advised frequent washing and cleaning of hands with soap and water, covering mouth and nose properly with mask, stop touching eyes, nose and mouth and sanitizing frequent used personal objects can prevent spread of COVID-19 virus. Moreover, keep distancing from infected people and coughing and sneezing droplets and avoid touching infected tissues and other things of infected people, can help in reducing the chances of getting infected with coronavirus.
After the outbreak of COVID-19, employees are instructed to stay at home and work from home to keep social distancing and prevent the spread of coronavirus which has help to an extent. However, the decontamination service contractors have to come to their jobs of cleaning and decontaminating the offices, workplaces and commercial buildings. Health workers are working at the frontlines during this COVID-19 pandemic and are vulnerable to biohazards and are at risk of getting infection from coronavirus. Biohazards infects not only physical health but also the mental health of cleaning workers, decontamination contractors and janitors, including long working hours, fatigue, depression, psychological grief, occupational exhaustion, stigma.
WHO is providing latest scientific information relating to deep cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting procedures, solutions and preventive measures globally to biohazard cleaning services and health facilities. They also highlight the rights and responsibilities of cleaning workers and mention the specific safety measures for their protection of health.
These cleaning and decontamination workers and janitors are provided with refresher training to compete with infection protection and control (IPC). They learn to use, putting on, putting off and disposing their personal protective equipment (PPE) properly to prevent the chance of getting infection while doing their decontamination services.
They use IPC and PPE supplies which includes masks, gloves, goggles, gear, sanitizers and cleaning supplies in sufficient quantity.
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After a building is shut down due to the spread of coronavirus, the employees and clients need assurance that your workplace is safe and uninfected from virus to visit and stay there for doing their jobs and usage. There is no vaccine and only practicing strict hygiene can help in preventing the transmission of virus to others.
Likewise, every building commercial, residential, educational, manufacturing and specially health facilities all need deep cleaning, sanitizing and decontamination of surfaces and things touched by suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 virus. It seems to be that even after restrictions are lifted, the hygiene regime will be in practice.
In general, poor hand hygiene is the cause of spread of virus by contaminating surfaces and objects which are used frequently. People used hands to sneeze and cough and touch their nose and mouth can easily infect other people and places around them.
First of all, decontamination technicians make risk assessment of area needed to disinfect and start cleaning procedure according to assessment. They use special cleaning solutions approved by CDC, for more contaminated areas with bodily fluids like blood, urine, vomit and human feces to ensure decontamination.
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Fogging is an ideal solution to kill air-borne pathogens from large contaminated areas with the help of biocides and disinfectants. Professional cleaning services use EPA registered industrial-strength disinfectants to ensure the broad spectrum kill so that the places are safe to visit and work for people.